Contact Us...
PO Box 30023
Parkgate Village RPO
North Vancouver, BC
V7H 2Y8
Call (604) 682-2933
Hours of Operation: Volunteer Hours - There is no paid staff
10:30 am – 3:00 pm (Monday – Friday)
** If you wish to come to the office please call ahead to ensure there is somebody there to receive you. We are a volunteer run office so there is not always someone around during the times listed above **
Though we will make every effort to follow the below schedule for all dates, start times, and locations are subject to change.
As a rule meetings are the second Tuesday of every month.
All members of the Vancouver Métis Community Association are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings, but we do ask that you call the office ahead of the meeting to let us know you are coming, as well to confirm that the date, start time and location are the same as presented on this site.
J Paul Stevenson